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Google Ads error: Failed to create a contact in Google Ads: Invalid value at 'operation[0].create.user_identifiers[0], oneof field 'identifier; is already set. Cannot set 'hashed_phone_number'

  • 16 February 2023
  • 10 replies

Hi Friends! I am getting the below error when I set up customer Identifier as “Multiple identifiers” providing a phone number and email address.

My goal is to send Ads to Phone Numbers and Email Addresses

FYI- Google Ads (Source:- Google Sheets)  




Best answer by SamB 24 February 2023, 14:54

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10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @pratheek2999 

Good question.

Please clarify what Zap app and action you are trying to use with more screenshots and how that Zap step is configured, thanks.

Hello Troy, I am trying to add Contacts to the Customer List and set up customer Identifier as “Multiple identifiers”


so that if the customer’s phone number or email address changes we can add the customer to the list.


Please let me know if you need ay additional information.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


We’d need to see the full field descriptions (more) to have full context.

In the screenshot you provided there are no values set or dynamic variables mapped to the Email and Phone Number fields, which may be why the error is happening.


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @pratheek2999!

How are you getting on with this Zap? Were you able to figure it out or do you need some more help? Let us know!

Thanks :) 

Hello Danvers,

Thank you for the reply.

I have a few questions on the source (Trigger: Google Sheets) to (Action: Google Ads Customer List) 

How do you want me to proceed? ask questions right here or I can quickly schedule a 15mins zoom call and I can walk through you.




Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @pratheek2999 - we’re not able to offer phone support at the moment but you’re welcome to share your questions here!

Being as detailed as possible and sharing any screenshots (with personal info removed) are always helpful in allowing the community to troubleshoot with ya. 🙂

Thank you, Christina. I am able to find the below documentation and it states for Multiple Identifiers I need to fill out one of the following options: Email or Phone Number

Common Problems with Google Ads on Zapier – Zapier




Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey there @pratheek2999

That’s correct it can only be one or the other not both. The wording is a little confusing as the option says Multiple Identifiers but it can only have one identifier present when the Zap runs.

As I understand it, for the Customer Identifier field if you select the Multiple Identifiers option, you would be able to select values for both the Email and Phone fields. For example:


But when the Zap runs, there can only be a value present in one of the fields. So if the Google Sheet is going to supply both the email and phone number then you’ll run into an error. Which means the above setup shown in the screenshot wouldn’t work, unless the Google Sheets row that triggered the Zap will only ever have a value present in the Email column or the Phone column, not both at the same time.

As a workaround, I’m thinking you might be able to get around this using Paths by Zapier. As it would allow you to carry out different actions simultaneously.

So you could set up path A to check if the Google Sheet row contains an email. Then you’d have an Add Contact to Customer List action with the Customer Identifier field set to Email. In that action you’d select the relevant field from Google Sheets that contains the email and leave the Phone Number field blank:


Then you’d set up path B to check if the Google Sheet row contains a phone number. And have another Add Contact to Customer List action in that path but with the Customer Identifier field set to Phone number. In that action you’d select the relevant field from Google Sheets that contains the phone number and leave the Email field blank:
That way when the Google Ads action runs it should only ever have either the phone or email address present.
That said, Paths by Zapier is only available on a Professional plan or higher. So if you’re not able to use paths in your Zap you’d need to set up two Zaps using a Filter by Zapier action instead of Paths by Zapier:

  • One Zap that uses a filter to check whether the row contains an email. With only the email field from Google Sheets selected on the Google Ads action.
  • And a second Zap that uses a filter to whether if the row has a phone number. With only the phone number field from Google Sheets selected on the Google Ads action

You can find out more about working with paths and filters here:

Hope that helps. If you have success with either of those options please let us us know how. I’m keen to ensure you’re all set here!


Thank you so much. This really helps me.

When I am using paths and select – Customer identifier as “Multiple Identifiers” as shown below.


I am getting the below error.  



But if I select the customer identifier as “phone number” in path A and “Email” in path B my testing action is successful.


Also, please help the below rules set will resolve if I have a “NULL” value in the phone filed it will pick up email as well.  





Userlevel 7
Badge +11

So sorry for missing your reply here previously @pratheek2999

I expect you’ve already got this figured out but I wanted to follow up here to clarify why that error is occurring for anyone that may come across this thread with a similar question.

You can’t select the name and address along with a phone number which is why you’re seeing that error. As the help text for the action states “The 'Multiple Identifiers' option allows you to setup this step in the Zap with more than one identifier, but when the Zap is ON only one identifier (email, phone number, OR name and locale) can be present in each Zap run.” See How to use Multiple Identifiers for more details.

So if there may be cases where only a name and address are present then you would want to set up another path for checking those fields are present. And in the subsequent Google Ads action in that path you’d select the relevant Google Sheets fields containing the name and address information. Hope that helps to clarify things here. 🙂