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I've been having some issues with zaps coming from Gmail into  Google sheets.


when  I add a label to an email  with the intention of  adding the name & email of the recipient to Google sheets, Everytime  it's still  sends  my  name and email to the sheet,  Eve then after adding a filter  2 only continue  if it doesn't contain my name.


 has anyone experienced this & know how to solve it?



  • label added to email in gmail
  • Filter “only continue if”
  • Add new spreadsheet row in google sheets



Hi @LewisAu 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have more info, thanks.

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Sure thing Troy, thanks. Here are the 3 steps in the zap.




Change the Filter conditions to be both AND, instead of OR.


Thanks a lot Troy, greatly appreciated!