
Gmail error: The app returned "Precondition check failed." I tried other Gmail accounts as well.

  • 2 July 2023
  • 5 replies

The error is: 

Oh, foo.

Zapier could not connect to your account.

The app returned "Precondition check failed.".

I tried other gmail accounts as well.

I tried another browser and clearing cache.

Tried logging in again

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @imphillip 

Good question.

Help article for connecting Gmail to Zapier:

You can try using a new/different private browser.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hi @imphillip 

Good question.

Help article for connecting Gmail to Zapier:

You can try using a new/different private browser.

We too are having an issue with this with one of our clients. Trying a new/private browser unfortunately did not work, and we are still getting the “precondition check failed” error. For additional context, the Gmail account we are attempting to connect is not an alias.

I Have this same error connecting a gmail account and can not resolve it my using different browsers settings, what is the solution?

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Sorry to hear you’re all running into that same error when connecting your Gmail accounts @imphillip, @sphynxautomation and @1337Mofo.

I did some digging on this end and it seems that the "Precondition check failed" error can sometimes occur for Google accounts that are associated with Google Workspace. Is that the case for all of you here?
If so, can you take a look in settings for your Google Workspace to check whether Gmail API access is enabled. Google have some guidance in their Control which third-party & internal apps access Google Workspace data help article that may be helpful on that. If you’re unsure I’d suggest reaching out to your email administrator to double-check whether Gmail API access is enabled so that Zapier has access.

Looking forward to hearing from you all on this!

Userlevel 2
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@SamB In our case, it turned out the account was an Outlook account, not a Gmail account. The client had both but gave us the wrong address for which was which.
