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Hello i have a zap that:

step 1 -check every new email 

step 2- filter only email that contain triggers (10 specific words)

step 3-if it contain trigger words it search for email in our base in google sheet (less than 200 records)

step 4- if if contains trigger words it search for email adress in Gmail 

step 5- Wait for 5 min 

step 6-  Send specific email to a person (if there was no email in our base or gmail before).


I would like to use it for new customers who haven't written to us before to send automatic email with pricing form in, right now it wont stop email(no matter if i chose “true” or “false” in lookup and find in google steps)

Hi @Wojciech Kazimierowicz 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how each Zap step is configured in EDIT mode along with details about a specific example.


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@Wojciech Kazimierowicz 

Here’s what you likely need to do…

Adjust the GSheet step to create a new row if not found, so the step logic becomes find row, else create row.

Add a Filter step after the GSheet step.

Configure the Filter step to only continue if GSheet step found = false.

That means no existing GSheet row match was found so the Zap should continue because that would be a new customer. (and the GSheet step would have added them as a new row to check against next time the Zap Runs)

@Wojciech Kazimierowicz

Here’s what you likely need to do…

Adjust the GSheet step to create a new row if not found, so the step logic becomes find row, else create row.

Add a Filter step after the GSheet step.

Configure the Filter step to only continue if GSheet step found = false.

That means no existing GSheet row match was found so the Zap should continue because that would be a new customer. (and the GSheet step would have added them as a new row to check against next time the Zap Runs)

Ok but before the first step (I didn’t mention it) is form which get email and other data and put them inside Gsheet, so when someone is writing for the first time- automation send an email(with, after the client provide all the informations, and write again there won’t be another email send to him. Will this work like this ?(so I dont want Gsheet logic interact with the sheet because I use it as a database)

@Wojciech Kazimierowicz 

Ok, then just have the GSheet step function as a Lookup Row step as you had it originally configured.

Regardless, you need to add a Filter step after the GSheet step to only continue when the row is or is not found depending on your requirements.

When in doubt, test it out.

@Wojciech Kazimierowicz

Ok, then just have the GSheet step function as a Lookup Row step as you had it originally configured.

Regardless, you need to add a Filter step after the GSheet step to only continue when the row is or is not found depending on your requirements.

When in doubt, test it out.

“This post has been edited by a moderator to remove personal information. Please remember that this is a public forum and to remove any sensitive information prior to posting.”

Hmmm.. don’t know why but still have some problems with Gmail search, GSheet works fine. Unfortunately I also need to check my email if someone have already messaged us.. dont know how tu handle it, tried smthing like on the screen under.. still dont work. any other suggestions? 


Hi @Wojciech Kazimierowicz 👋

Hmmm.. don’t know why but still have some problems with Gmail search, GSheet works fine. Unfortunately I also need to check my email if someone have already messaged us.. dont know how tu handle it, tried smthing like on the screen under.. still dont work. any other suggestions? 

It looks like the search term of older: required the date to be supplied without a time. See Google’s Refine searches in Gmail guide for more details. Can you try adding a Formatter action to adjust the date to be MM/DD/YYYY.

For example:

Then update the search string to use the reformatted date. I’d also suggest adding from: to the start of the search string terms. For example:

Can you give that a try and let us know how you get on?