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Trigger: Gmail: New labeled email recieved.

1. Zapier wont read my incoming email’s attachments. I know for a fact an attachment is in this email but Zapier returns “(none)” for the All Attachments field and Attachment Count reads “0”. How do i fix this

2. Only 3 of my records for selection for the trigger are available for me to choose when there is 5+ records that i added to that specific Gmail label. I’ve tried creating a new label, unadding and re-adding the emails to the label, switching emails, refreshing and updating the zap trigger, nothing works. How do i fix this.

Hi @KrazyKannon 

Try using this Zap trigger: Gmail - New Attachment


Hi @KrazyKannon, welcome to the Community! 😁🎉

I can see in our system here that you also reached out to our Support team about this and they spotted that you’re currently using the New Labelled Email trigger on a legacy version of the Gmail app. They recommended upgrading to the latest version of the Gmail app on Zapier - see our Update to the latest app version in Zaps guide for more details on how to do that. 

And they also suggested switching to use the Gmail app’s New Attachment trigger, as Troy mentioned. That trigger would allow you to trigger a Zap for each individual attachment file. 

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If you run into issues on that or have any follow up questions do let us know. Keen to ensure you’re all set! 🙂

Ok the zap has seemingly fixed itself lol. There were no updates needed when i checked both of the zaps i was having trouble with and the Status section did not list any updates. Switched the triggers to Attachments and when i added new emails that had attachments to the specified label, the attachment trigger still didn’t detect them.
However when i switched back to Labeled Email Detected the attachments magically appeared now lol. So alls well that ends well. Thank you!

I lied, only 2 out of the 3 emails that have attachments are being read as having attachments. The other one contains a PDF file and the Trigger still reads it as having no attachments.

Thanks for keeping us updated on your progress here, @KrazyKannon🙂

Hmm, with only 2 of the 3 emails being read as having attachments can you confirm whether that’s while still using the legacy version of the Gmail app?

If so, I’d recommend upgrading to the latest version in order to get the trigger working as expected. As I’ve just tested a Zap in my own account using the latest version of the New Labeled Email trigger for different types of email attachments and it’s triggered on all of them and correctly picked up the attachments. So I’m thinking there could well be an issue with the legacy version of the app that’s causing it to not function as expected.

Were the other two files that it picked up also PDFs? And can you confirm what the file size of the missing PDF attachment is? Asking as I’ve seen cases where files that are 0 KB in size, or are damaged, can cause it to show as having no attachments.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!
