I wanted to grab Jira Service Management last comment text.
I have already created Zap that:
- Takes the Jira Issue comments list - im using Comments Body Content (all comments separated by commas)
- Loops the list - Im looping the list with a comma separation
- Filter the last looped comment - Im using Only continue if: Loop Iteration is Last, Boolean is true)
it works a-ok when the Jira comment do not have break lines (made with enter). When there is break point in jira comment I receive only the part of text after the brak line.
So for example when creating Jira comment like this example:
“This is my comment first line.
This is my coment second line. And this is rest”
I do not receive the ““This is my comment first line.” part as a outcome. only the second line is there.
Any ideas what can be the issue and how to get the full comment? :)