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Getting error when creating task in Microsoft To Do 400 error.

  • 24 June 2022
  • 2 replies

I am having some trouble adding tasks to a List within Microsoft To Do. Here is my workflow:

  1. Get Order from WooCommerce
  2. Create a List within Microsoft To Do, the List name is the WooCommerce Order number
  3. Send Order Information to Google Sheets.

This is fine it works. But what i would like is for the order number to be the list name and the items within the order to be tasks within the list. When i try to use the Zap create an task, i get a 400 error even if i use the same parameter of the order number being the list is want to add tasks to.

Something like this:

  1. Get Order from WooCommerce
  2. Create a List within Microsoft To Do, the List name is the WooCommerce Order number
  3. Create task for Line Items within List just created
  4. Send Order Information to Google Sheets.

If I try this method i get the 400 error and the zap stops. I even tried a delay but that didn’t work. I also tried creating another zap that would trigger when the line items are added to the spreadsheet, but i still got 400 error on that as well.

Its almost like the List name isn’t properly seen by the zap and it can’t figure out where to put the task.

Any ideas/suggestions?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @LeeU-Salesforce 

Good question.

You likely need to map the List ID (instead of the List Name) as most apps rely upon unique internal values.


Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with the resulting error in order for us to have more context, thanks.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @LeeU-Salesforce! I wanted to check if you were still needing help with this?

If so, definitely feel free to drop the screenshots Troy mentioned along with the error messages and we’re happy to take a look for you. 🤗
