I’m trying to create a Zap that does the following -- When a message is posted to a channel, and no one reacts to it for 60 minutes, then reply in the thread tagging someone.
From what I can tell so far, I need to use a Slack API step to get reaction counts based on this -
However, I get the following error when I try to test the step -- “
Failed to create a http request in Slack
Raw request failed. HTTP Status: 200. Problem executing your request: This is a new feature! To take advantage of it, you'll need to reconnect your auth. Requires scope `reactions:read`. This error could also be generated because you are trying to pull objects (Mention, Reaction, etc) from a DM or private channel.”
Initially, I was trying this with a private channel. But it isn’t even working with a public channel where I am the Slack Channel Manager.
What am I doing wrong?