I have tried several ways to creat a zap, which takes an email and puts that into Infinity.
This all works beautifully as long as I do not try to integrate the attachments into this zap.
As soon as I try to use the attachment field for the Infinity action and test the workflow, I always get the following error:
Object of type LazyFile is not JSON serializable
I have tried this with the Email by Zapier app as well as the generic IMAP app as trigger.
In the Email by Zapier app I can see that the attachment is dehydrated in some S3 bucket. I thougt that maybe that specific detail is a problem for the Infinity action.
But the same error comes up with the IMAP app, where the attachment shouldn’t be dehydrated, then rehydrated as far as I know.
Can somebody pin down on which side the reason for this error is?
Do I need to do something to not get a LazyFile-type before the Infinity action part or should the Infinity action part be able to deal with a LazyFile-type (probably by dehydrating and getting the file).