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I have payed to somone to create me some Zapps.
It is two years that I’m paying to Zapp and it is getting worse and worse. Every time  somthing is worng and stops working,  and I need to do a lot of updates manuly 

alots of wasted hourse
I'm getting this message 


After upgrating Airetable to busniss I’m getting this error, when trying to turning one the zappp

Error turning Zap on: Your Airtable account connection is stale

I don’t understand? it not Zappier responsebility to do the coorect ajustment after upgrating?


Hi @3DMCreative 

Check and manage your Zap app connections here:

Hi @3DMCreative,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Before we dig deeper into this, have you tried creating a new connection to your newly upgraded Airtable account? You can create a new connection here:

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!
