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gclid is not capturing

  • 2 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi Team,


We are creating Offline conversion tracking on Google using Zap. Currently we are using LeadSquared as our CRM. I'm not able to see GCLID while I'm creating trigger. Please help me out 


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Welcome @Shibani, thanks for joining the Community here!

In the testing sample that’s been selected (on the LeadSquared trigger in the Zap), does it have a value in the GCLID field? If not that can sometimes prevent the field from being selected in subsequent actions of the Zap. 

If that’s the case here can you try selecting a different sample in the Zap? One that definitely has a value in that GCLID field. Then try selecting it from the filter again and let us know whether that sorts it?

If that’s not the case, can you share some further details about the missing field. Is it a particular field type (text, number, custom etc) for example? And if so, are there any other fields of that same field type but aren’t missing?

Looking forward to hearing from you on this! 🙂