Back again, starting feel like I’m making one step forward and two steps back.
So I’ve made changes to my zap, to make it simple I’ve decided to remove the create folder function. All I want the zap to do is, once approved, the approved file is then duplicated and renamed. When the file is a v1 and doesn’t have any files stacked on it, this zap works perfectly.
However if there’s multiple versions stacked, the create asset function doesn’t duplicate the file. Instead it replaces it, which isn’t what I need. Once I’ve got the duplication working, I’m wondering is it possible to only duplicate the latest file on the stack instead of all the whole stack.
Would appreciate any help Thank you!
Good question.
We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your relevant Zap steps are configured to have more context, thanks.
Thanks again for helping out! Hopefully these screenshots help!
Can you provide proof with screenshots for the duplication issue? (w/ and w/o versions)
I’ve done a test with the same file, one has 2 versions and the other doesn’t. You can see the one with versions adds the new created asset to the top of the stack (sorry I misunderstood) making a v3, I need it to make a separate file like it has done for the file which doesn’t have any stacked file
I was not able to replicate your issue with my testing.
I was able to successfully create new assets whether via an a Asset w/ or w/o versions.
Perhaps start fresh and do more testing.
- The File field in the Create Asset Zap action is optional.
- I noticed that in the Frame Find Asset Zap action that Assets with versions won’t show up in the dropdown list of options.
- You can still search for those Assets by the main Asset ID not version ID] (if known) and it will return results, but the results won’t include the ‘Original’ url data point.
I’ve tested it multiple times and the same thing kept reoccurring. But I found a work around!
I think the issue was that the newly created asset was referencing the parent ID of the original file. Meaning it would stack onto that asset. So what I needed to do was get the ID number of the folder in which the approved file is in.
So I did a Frame API request, which returned the response data ID which included the info what I needed. So instead of referencing the parent ID from the trigger I use the API request.

Amazing work here,
Thank you so, so much for taking the time to circle back here and share how you solved this. I’m certain there are plenty of other folks in Community facing a similar issue that will benefit greatly from your solution. Thanks again!
I’ve tested it multiple times and the same thing kept reoccurring. But I found a work around!
I think the issue was that the newly created asset was referencing the parent ID of the original file. Meaning it would stack onto that asset. So what I needed to do was get the ID number of the folder in which the approved file is in.
So I did a Frame API request, which returned the response data ID which included the info what I needed. So instead of referencing the parent ID from the trigger I use the API request.

im having the same issues. do you mind giving a step by step by guide on how to create an api request to
Hey there
Just wanted to check in to see how you got on with this. Were you able to get the API Request (Beta) action for working?
If you’re still getting stuck, please send over a quick screenshot of what fields and settings have been selected for the API Request (Beta) action so we can see where it’s currently at. Please remove/hide any private information from the screenshot before sharing (like names, email addresses, API Keys etc.). That’ll help us folks in the Community here to better advise on what changes may need to be made in order to get it working.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
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