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I'm trying to connect google sheets and firebase realtime database. 

I inserted "users" into the Path line, left Newid empty, and indicated the columns that I want to transfer to firebase in Data. But when testing, I get an error:

Status Code 400 Bad Request
Your Zap is likely to be missing a required field, or a field value wasn't in a recognized format. For example, if a field in your action step is expecting an email address, but the value given is a name, the app may return a 400 error.

Anybody knows how to solve the problem?

Hi @aren , 


Can you please show us some screenshots of the zap setup so we can help you better? 

Hey @aren! Just wanted to check in here. It does look like you were able to able to reach out to support about this who responded to you and said:

The Zap needs to know the path to the location in the database where it will create the record. Can you track this down in your firebase set up?

Let us know if you were able to get things sorted here! If not, continuing to troubleshoot within your open support thread is going to be the best next step in getting this one resolved. 🤞