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Hello all,


I am currently working on a project where a non-Jira user fills in a Google Form, and the corresponding fields update in my Jira Software Cloud project. In the Jira project, all of my Epics have child issues, and I need a field within these child issues to be updated. So the Zap should work as follows:


  1. A new Google Form response is submitted.
  2. The Jira child issue by name of the Google Form field “Contact Name” is found (using Find Issue).
  3. The parent issue (Epic) of the child issue is found.
  4. All child issues of the parent are found.
  5. The “Email” field in each child issue is updated with the “Email” field in the Google Form. 

In step 4, I have been trying to use the “Find Issue (via JQL)” option to generate a list of all child issues under the parent issue found. I have been trying the parent = “PARENT_ISSUE_KEY” JQL query, where the PARENT_ISSUE_KEY is replaced with the actual key of the parent issue previously found. However, in my tests, only one of three child issues appears and I don’t understand why.

Additionally, is there a way to conditionally build the Zap to assign each email address to each child issue field depending on the number of child issues? So, if the parent issue only has 2 issues, then only two of the child issue emails will be updated (and the child issues have to be searched by name in order to update the corresponding email of the corresponding person).

Thank you!


Hi and welcome to the Community @milena_d😁

Hmm, that’s odd. Assuming all child issues had the same parent issue key at the time the Zap searched for the Epic, then is should have found them all. 🤔

Is this only happening with that specific Epics? Or do other Epics also fail to return the full list of associated child issues? Just wondering if there might be an issue with the missing child issues themselves that’s preventing it from being retrieved by the Zap. Are there any differences between the setup of the missing issues and the one that was found?

Additionally, is there a way to conditionally build the Zap to assign each email address to each child issue field depending on the number of child issues? So, if the parent issue only has 2 issues, then only two of the child issue emails will be updated (and the child issues have to be searched by name in order to update the corresponding email of the corresponding person).

Assuming it would return the list of child issues as line-items you could use a Formatter or Code step to provide the total number of line items - see this community thread for details:

From there you could use Paths to carry out different actions based on how many child issues were found. Could that approach work for your needs here?

Looking forward to hearing from you!