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Please help,

I have parsed incoming mail and get PartNo information. My mission to find this PartNo in the Excel file on OneDrive and get whole row.

Parser working good (test return OK). Parser can find Part Number successfully. I connected and successfully configured everything in Find Row in Microsoft Excel, but when I try to test it is return  “400 Bad Request”.

I don’t have any detail about error. Everything run well till the Excel test.

  • PartNo is unique number in the table in the Excel.
  • PartNo is alphanumeric value.
  • The table in the Excel is error free table.

Can anyboady help me?

In addition to that:

  • The table in the Excel has not empty field. All rows are full.
  • Even if I’m giving value (like 624-745-78) directly (not from parser), it is still not working


I found the problem.

In excel A column is hidden. When selecting the related lookup column in Excel App, it shows the wrong column char (eg. E). Actually, Its column char should be D. 

If there are no technical names in the testing phase and you do not pay attention to them, it is not possible to understand the error. Bacause of that there is a bug actually:

Bug Definition:

In case there is a hidden column in Excel when you select the lookup column, the Excel App selects the wrong column in the background. You can check it in the Test Section of the Excel App by checking the technical name of the lookup column.


Hey there, @Celil! Thanks so much for raising this in community and sharing what you found!

I did some digging around and it looks like there’s a similar issue with Google Sheets throwing errors when column A is hidden. It’s mentioned in the documentation here with an associated bug report on our end as well. I didn’t find any mention about this in the Excel documentation but it would make sense it would have similar issues. 

I’d actually recommend opening a ticket with my teammates in support so they can dig into this a bit further and if need be open a bug report for Excel too. Please feel free to link them to the zap and this community thread for reference as well.

Thank you again for reporting this!
