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I am using the “Find an event” action (in Google Calendar) and a really simple one. I am just looking for an event that has the word “Premium” in the title. I keep getting False return even though I do have an event with that word. I tried it in so many ways, but was never able to get back True from the Zap run.


I am close to giving up on Zapier because of this 😞 would appreciate any help.

Hi @Sagi_Guy, don’t give up on us just yet! I’m here to help as best as I can. Can you tell me a bit more on what you’ve tried out thus far? I’d like to recommend our Filter feature and I can try to walk you through the whole workflow but I need to know if I’m on the right track. 

  1. What is your trigger and connecting app? From your post above, I believe the answer to this is “Find Event” on Google Calendar but correct me if I am wrong. 
  2. What is you action and connecting app?
  3. What is your overall end goal for this Zap? 

Hi @Sagi_Guy

Find Event action isn't finding my event

Google Calendar may not find an event if the name or description contains an underscore _.
When trying to find an event that contains an underscore, the Search Term field will only work if it's an exact match, or uses one of the other terms in the title or description field.

actionEdit icon Example

If your event is called "Meeting with zapier_team", the Zap will find it with the following terms:

  • meeting
  • zapier_team

It won't find the event if the search terms are "zapier" or "team".


Hi Chanelle,


First, thank you for the quick reply! I really appreciate it.

My trigger it an automation rule in Wix automation and my connecting app is indeed Google Calendar.

What I want to do is look for an event on the date I’m getting from Wix. I am using the “Find Event” action - if the event exist, I want to update its content. If the event doesn’t exist, I want to create it.


So far, if the event doesn’t exist, the zap is working as it should and creating the event. However, if the event *does* exist, I keep getting “_zap_search_success_on_miss: false” in the Zap Run data. I do not know why the zap is unable to find the event.


We’d need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have enough context, thanks.

Thank you @Troy Tessalone but I don’t have an underscore in the event name.


We’d need to see specific examples with screenshots from your Zap step configurations and your GCal Events in order to have enough context, thanks.

@Sagi_Guy  The good news is, I checked our system and this doesn’t appear to be a bug so there’s a good chance we can get this resolved. 

I do have to ask if you have this question marked off as “yes”?

The not so great news is, without a Wix Automations account/website myself, I can only trouble shoot the Google Calendar portion without full screenshots of your Zap. 

If you can, please add a screenshot of the setup action portion of your Zap. The more information we have, the better. Also, if you could grab a screenshot of your Zap history, it may help us get insight like the example below: 

For example purposes only. 


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@Troy Tessalone 
Here are some screenshots.

First, my calendar that shows there’s an event on Jan 18th called “Premium created”.

Then, the step that shows the zap is searching for an event with the word “Premium”.

Finally, the zap history showing I get a False in the Find Event action.



The search step is being limited to 1 day, which is before the event.


@Troy Tessalone 

Isn’t this date just the sample data? these are the only fields I have to choose from when I’m inserting the data.

I want the zap to search the date it is getting from the Wix automation.


Yes, it’s sample data from the mapped Zap step, but if/when you are testing the Zap manually it will use that data.

Try turning the Zap ON and testing with live data.

Also, you probably want the End Date to be +1 day.


@chanelle I do not have the “Should this step be considered...” field in my “setup action” portion. I think the screenshots in my reply to Troy are enough?

@Troy Tessalone

The Zap is already turned on and I’m not testing it manually. It is being tested with real data.


Did you try this?

Also, you probably want the End Date to be +1 day.



I did, yes. Here’s the log from the zap run.

Now I don’t even have the “_zap_search_success_on_miss” line in the log so I have no idea if the result was true/false.

**edit: ok, The result was false, because the event was created again, so still no success**

I feel like everything I do messes up something 🤔


The image didn’t upload.

We’d also need to see how your Zap step is now configured.


If you need help, consider hiring a Zapier Expert:

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@Troy Tessalone

Hope it uploads correctly now.


Hi @Sagi_Guy!

If you’re using the sample data from Wix and the date that you’re using from there is 10/12/20, try creating an event called premium on that day in your calendar and re-test the step. Does that find the event? If that doesn’t help, do you need to use the description field to find the event? Will there be other events on the same day with ‘Premium’ in the title? If not, then you’ll likely get a better result by not adding the description into the search terms. 

I can see that you’ve reached out the Support Team about this and if you’re still having trouble it may be best to work with them as they can take a look at your Zap (and the Zap runs) with you. 



Make sure to add a space before the +1d


@Troy Tessalone 

Thank you. It did search until the next day this time, but the result was still false and another event was created.

Thank you @Danvers I will wait for the support team to reach out.
Thanks @Troy Tessalone for trying to help. I will give up for now as I feel I’ve wasted so many hours on something that seems so simple. Maybe the support would help eventually.


You may have to use additional date/time modifiers (or Formatter steps) to adjust the start/end time to make sure it properly encompasses the start date/time and proper end date/time, as those may be impacted by time zone settings across the 3 apps involved: Wix, Zap, GCal