Hi @Keith McQ
You may want to try opening a ticket with Zapier Support: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
If you need a workaround, try using the direct download link for a file instead of the temp file object.
Tool to help you do that: https://sites.google.com/site/gdocs2direct/
Using the method you suggested, I was able to get a link into a URL field that will open the file (stored in Google Drive) directly from Airtable. However, I really need the document itself to be stored in Airtable and not google drive. As you’ve suggested, I’ve sent a help request to Zapier. Hopefully they can resolve my issues. I will follow-up on this post if they do. Thanks for your help.
Hi there @Keith McQ! 
Thanks for reaching out about this here. That definitely shouldn’t be happening! I’ve been looking into this on our end and it’s currently being investigated. I’ll follow up here once I have an update.
If I can help with anything else in the meantime please do let me know! 
@Keith McQ
Can you post updated screenshots with how your Airtable step is now configured?
You can use a publicly accessible direct download link for a file in an Airtable Attachment field and it will upload the file to Airtable.
To save a bunch of time typing and a bunch of screenshots, I’ve made a Loom video trying to better explain the situation. Please watch the video by clicking the link.
Zapier to Google Drive PDF to Airtable & Gmail Integration Issue
Just received confirmation from another source that Airtable is currently experiencing issues storing and opening PDFs, which explains part of the issues explained in the video, but that issue still doesn’t explain the “File (exists but not shown)” issue.
@Keith McQ
Believe Zapier has acknowledged a bug with the newest version of the GDrive app.
Hi again @Keith McQ!
Following up here as promised to report that our engineers have shipped a fix for the issue with the missing File field. It will now contain a URL for the file in the File field instead of showing as (Exists but not shown) - but it will function the same. 
Can you check the Zap again and confirm whether that File field is now available to select from the Upload File action?
Thanks again everyone for your prompt attention.
Yes, it appears someone has been working on the issue because there is a new option in the G Drive step that wasn’t there yesterday / this morning.
Using the “File https://zapier.com/engine/hydrate/…..” found in the Google Drive step, I was successful in delivering pdfs as attachments for outbound Gmails. So in that regard, it is working. However, the pdf is named exactly the same as the folder in which the file was stored (which leaves a lot to be desired). Ideally, the attachment would be named exactly the same as the one stored in the G Drive folder.
As far as Airtable, I believe this in an issue within their system, but it may be related. I’ll just have to wait and see if Airtable acknowledges the issues. I’ll follow up if/when they do. Thanks.
From Airtable support: “Airtable is experiencing some issues with PDF attachment processing and our engineering team is already working on fixing the issue. We hope to have a resolution soon and we will keep you posted. Sorry for the disruption.”
Thanks for the updates here, @Keith McQ!
I’m so pleased that you were able to select the new File field and it worked.
And I’m really glad that Airtable were able to confirm that there is an issue with processing PDF files which will be resolved soon. Hopefully once that’s been sorted the Zap will then be running correctly again. 
Please do keep us in the loop on how it goes, keen to ensure you’re all set!
Airtable has resolved the issue. PDFs adding to AT as they should now. Thanks again.
YAY! That’s great news @Keith McQ! Thanks so much for taking the time to follow up here and confirm that it’s working again now - it’s most appreciated. 
Please do reach out in the Community again if anything else pops up - we’re always here and happy to help!