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I’ve got a multi stage Zap that starts with a Squarespace form and sets up a contact and then a deal in Pipedrive.  It then triggers an automated email from Gmail.  It all works perfectly except for the name created in the contact and deal.  The form in Squarespace asks for a first name and a last name and those get pulled through (even with the option in Zapier of “name” combining the two into one field).  However, rather than the name in Pipedrive being displayed as John Smith it displays as {First=John, Last=Smith}.  Which then requires manually changing in both the contact/person created and the deal.  I’ve tried lots of different things but can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.  If anyone can shed some light I’d be grateful. 


Hi @Simon T 

You can use Formatter > Text> Split steps to handle the data.

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.



Hi Troy, thanks for that.  I just had a play with Formatter and I’m not quite there. I’ve attached files as I was when originally posting showing the configure elements of the create person and create deal steps. 

And here is my very basic play with formatter.  As you can see on the output it is just giving me the first name. 

And for clarity - this is what it creates in the person view on Pipedrive.  I need to get rid of the brackets, comma (,) and = signs. thanks for any insights you can offer! 

Just in case, here is the Zap flow (I just inserted formatter - that wasn’t there previously obviously).  Thanks

Hi @Simon T,


Welcome to the Community. The issue with the name format in Pipedrive, displaying as {First=John, Last=Smith}, is due to the data being transmitted as a dictionary. Add a “Formatter by Zapier” step between the Squarespace and Pipedrive steps to fix this. Use the “Text” action event, select “Replace” in the “Transform” field, and input the current name format in the “Input” field. In the “Find” field, input “First=” and “Last=,” and leave the “Replace” field blank. Test this step to ensure it outputs “John Smith,” then map the “Name” field in Pipedrive to this output. If this doesn’t work, check how the data is sent from Squarespace to Zapier.


Let us know if this helps you with your Zap. Thank you.

Hi JammerS thanks for your reply.  I’ve tried that but it still didn’t work.  This is the pic of the fields attached.  

How do I check how the data is sent from Squarespace to Zapier?  I suppose that is via squarespace?  Would I have to contact them? 


@Simon T 

Try using multiple Formatter steps.

  • Formatter > Text > Replace
    • Replace: First=
  • Formatter > Text > Replace
    • Replace: Last=
  • Formatter > Text > Split
    • Split: ,,:space:]
    • Keep all as separate fields
