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I’m trying to have a zap where any new leads that come from my email sending platform populate into a new row in my Google sheet and then are created as a new record in my airtable CRM.

The first part works perfectly but I keep getting this error for the Airtable zap. ‘’Failed to find or create a record in Airtable The app returned "Value "" is not a valid record ID. Could not find record with matching name and we can not create linked records because their primary field is computed".

I’m not really sure what this means or how to resolve it so any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks a million :)




Hi @Alan Rooney 

For us to have more context about the error, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Sure thing is this what you need?





@Alan Rooney

For Airtable, if the primary key field is a formula, then a mapped variable value must exactly match an existing value.


‘’Failed to find or create a record in Airtable The app returned "Value "" is not a valid record ID. Could not find record with matching name and we can not create linked records because their primary field is computed".

Thanks for your answer Troy. I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to airtable. Can you let me know what I need to do in zapier to fix this issue?


Thanks so much. 



@Alan Rooney 

Post screenshots from Airtable showing the left most field (primary key) in the Table being used, so we can see the Field label and field type (icon).

Hey @Alan Rooney 👋

Just wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Were you since able to get this sorted?

If so we’d love it if you could share details of how you fixed that error so that others in the Community can benefit from your experience! 🙂

And if not, just send over a screenshot showing the primary key in Airtable as Troy mentioned we’ll be happy to assist further.

Thanks, looking forward to your reply!