
Failed to find a database item in Notion

  • 16 May 2023
  • 1 reply



with the last part “action”, the online video ask us to use the google calendar link (HTML LINK) as the finding title, but I do not have that section and thus fail the action test as no database is found in notion.

pic 1: the tutorial video            Pic 2: mine


what can I do? 



1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi @mantochy 

I can see that you have added the HTML link in the 2nd screenshot, and if there is a database item in Notion with the same link exists, it will show up, you just need to make sure it is an exact match. I can also see in the 2nd screenshot there is an extra space/linebreak after the link you need to remove it.
