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Failed to create contact in HubSpot: Required field "Object ID" (id) is missing.

I using a GET API call into REACH 360 to retrieve a listing of all the learners for a specified course and their corresponding learner status. I can update the ‘Enrolled’ and ‘Completed’ status values and Reach has specific events for that. However, using a course report is the only way to get the ‘In Progress value’.

I want to then take the information from the JSON response and update the corresponding contact in HubSpot when they have a learner status value of ‘In Progress’.

The problem is when I go to set up the Find Contact or Update Contact action it isn’t passing. I believe this may be because the email field when selected is a whole list of all the email addresses from the JSON response and not individual records. Any ideas?


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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Bold Marketing 

For us to have more context about the error, post screenshots with how your Zap step ‘Action’ section is configured.

If you need to iterate line items, then use the Looping app:


@Troy Tessalone I believe  the Find Contact in HubSpot step is failing because the data from the GET JSON response is not being parsed to look for a single record. When I select the email field as the data source to look up in HubSpot the field is showing all the record values and not a single record.  

field from JSON to use as data source for Find Contact step
field values are parsed but not treated as separate records

Error message is that it cannot find record in HubSpot but I know the record for the first email listed exists

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Bold Marketing 

To iterate thru an array of items, you can use the Looping app: