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Failed to create an HTTP request in RingCentral: Raw request failed. Problem with your account.

  • 1 March 2024
  • 4 replies


I’m trying to send a PUT request to RingCentral API on one of our zaps.

I am getting a RAW request error which usually means something is not right in the information I’m sending across.

Please see attached RAW request and error which I’m getting back from Zapier. Does anyone know what is not configured correctly?


Thank you

 Hey there @BradE! 🙂

Which RingCentral endpoint are you attempting to send a request to? And can you please share further screenshots showing the full error message and set up of that API Request (Beta) action?

That will help to give a bit more context on what might be causing issues here. Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing though.

Thanks for your assistance. Looking forward to hearing from you further!


I’m sending my request to the Sandbox testing endpoint:


Please see attached screenshots.


Thanks for sharing those screenshots @BradE. I did some digging and it seems that sandbox accounts are not currently supported with the RingCentral app. So I suspect that’s the error is saying that there’s an issue with the configured auth. 

We’ve got a feature request open for the ability to support sandbox accounts so I’ve added your vote to that. I can’t make any promises as to when that might get added but we’ll definitely notify you by email once it is.

In the meantime, you’d need to connect to your RingCentral production account instead of the sandbox account. Not ideal I know but hopefully connecting to the production account will allow the request to be made successfully.

If you give that a try and run into any further issues do let me know, happy to help further!

Hey @BradE 👋

I expect you’ve already seen the email notification that went out regarding the feature request but I wanted to follow up here too to confirm that the feature request has been closed as RingCentral are going to be phasing out sandbox environments. In case you missed the notification here’s the key details from it:

Their team has provided us an update letting us know that adding this feature is not on their current roadmap. Here are the details from the RingCentral team:

"RingCentral is in the process of deprecating and phasing out the sandbox environments. The API team believes that we have robust our systems enough to allow testing in production."

I’m sorry we won’t be able to fulfil that feature request but from the sounds of it you may no longer need a sandbox environment as testing is allowed in RingCentral production environments! 🙂
