Failed to create a zap for offline facebook events.

  • 19 January 2024
  • 1 reply

I am trying to create a zap between my converted excel sheet and facebook offline event. I am receiving this message:

“”Failed to create an event in Facebook Offline Conversions The app returned `{"message":"Your purchase event doesn’t include a currency parameter. Enter a currency parameter. For example: USD"} What happened: Executing creates.offline_event.operation.perform with bundle {"message":"Your purchase event doesn’t include a currency parameter. Enter a currency parameter. For example: USD"} Console logs: ` as error, which we cannot read. “”

    I already added everything with Zero Success! Any Thoughts please?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there, @Monazahra! 👋

Hmm, my initial guess would be that the value entered into the Currency field isn’t in the correct format. Can you please share a screenshot showing the values you have selected for the Value and Currency fields on the Send Offline Event action? 

We can’t look into your Zaps so being able to see the selected values in a screenshot will better help us to confirm the currency is in the required ISO 4217 format.

Keen to help get to the bottom of this, so will be keeping an eye out for your reply! 
