Failed to create a product in Sage Accounting The app returned "RecordInvalid".
I have been trying to setup a Zap that when a product is created in WooCommerce it will then be created in Sage Accounting. I have everything working upto a single point. When the zap is in the final stage (Action 3. Create Product in Sage Accounting > Test action), when I go to test this I get the following error
Failed to create a product in Sage Accounting The app returned "RecordInvalid".
I can’t seem to get past this, I have spoken to the Zapier WooCommerce team and they said (rightly) that this is not part of their workflow. If Zapier told me which record was invalid I might be able to move forwards. Hopeing someone can point me in the right direction?
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Hi @MrBlueSea
this probably means that a field is expecting a value like number when you are passing text instead.
if you can screenshot the step showing the data (mask the personal data of course) so we can help you better
Hey @MrBlueSea just wanted to check in here! @MohSwellam is correct in that the field may be expecting a type of data other than the one you’re sending. A screenshot of how you have your action step configured can help us confirm for sure and provide advice on changes you may need to make. Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Thanks for sharing that screenshot, @MrBlueSea
The field that might be causing the trouble is the item code. The SKU from WooCommerce has a hyphen and full stop in it, if Sage item codes don’t allow punctuation then that would cause the error that you’re seeing. Do you know if Sage item codes are usually just letters and numbers? And could you maybe test the Create Product action with all the other fields the same but type in a value like ‘123456’ in the item code field to see if that works. If it does, then we know that it’s the format of the SKU that’s causing the trouble.
Let us know how you get on :)
This doesn’t seem to be an issue, sage allows for symbols in product code, below is a screenshot of product mannually made and no errors were given.
I even tried a manual product code in the zap and got the same error
Any ideas?
Thanks for taking a look at the SKU field and I’m sorry that that didn’t solve the issue. I think that the only way to get to the bottom of this is to have someone from the Support Team take a closer look at your Zap. You’ll need to get in touch with the Support Team using the Get Help form ( to submit a ticket. They have more access to your Zaps than we do here in the Community so they can hopefully get to the bottom of this with you.
I’d love to know how you get on if you have time to drop us an update, this one has me stumped!
I have just submited a ticket and will update once I have a reponse.