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I'm trying to create a zap which will, based on the group items name, create an account in AC, then add a contact to it and at the end create a deal. I have one board with multiple group of items (names of the companies), and under each contacts are listed to reach out to. It seems I'm doing something wrong because I keep getting the error message. See attached. 

I'm finding it difficult how to decide which Event ID to select. 

Could you help? Thanks. 


Hi @Snezana 

Good question.

The Contact ID field expects the ID of the AC Contact.

The Account ID field expects the ID of the AC Account.

You need to map those dynamic variables from a previous AC step.


HI Troy, 


Thanks for your reply! 


I'm not sure I understand what am I supposed to choose here. Some contacts don't exist in AC, and I will be adding them from :/

Could you please help me understand? 




Hi Troy, 

It seems I've managed to map out the variables. However zap is not working, nothing happens in AC. :/


We would need to see updated screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with any encountered error messages.