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Facing validation error when creating a Zap for different tax rates between Shopify and Xero.

  • 13 September 2023
  • 2 replies

I’m trying to set up a Zap that creates a new invoice in Xero when an order is placed in Shopify. Our products have different tax rates - 95% are GST on Income and the remainder are GST Free Income. I’ve tried every tax preset from Shopify and they all cause a validation error. The specific wording of the input field in Xero is GST on Income or GST Free Income.

Can anyone help problem solve this?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Shazed 

Good question.

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with the encountered error to help give us more context.

Thanks for responding Troy. Unfortunately due to time constraints I had to migrate to another solution. Appreciate the offer for support though :)
