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Event Set not showing when using "Send Offline Event in Facebook Offline Conversions" zap

As the title says, my facebook event sets are not showing up within the zap. I have confirmed that it is the right account, and the right everything.





29 replies

Userlevel 1

Thank you for the reply @SamB. I tried typing Physical Store. I will wait and see now. Currently I have both the old method and the new one. It seems it is counting double. Hence, the purchases are being attributed websites and not offline. Allegedly. I just changed the action. We’ll see. 

I will let you know :-) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for making that change, @glaesnermedia. Hopefully that’ll sort it! 🤞

Userlevel 1

@SamB I’m able to track offline conversions now, but I’m not sure whether its the new app or the old one. I’ve made one zap with each. I think it’s in a very early stage, so I will probably wait until META is figuring their stuff out. They are in the process and thus, you are well excused by not knowing every detail :-) I’m sure we all will be more informed with time. Thank you for your time. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Yay! I’m so pleased it’s tracking them now @glaesnermedia! 🎉 

To determine which app is working I’d suggest reviewing the Zap history for each Zap to check which offline conversions were added by each Zap. That should allow you to determine which Zap is adding them correctly. Then, once you know which Zap is working correctly you can turn off the other Zap that isn’t needed.

If I can help with anything else in the meantime do let me know. Until then, happy Zapping! ⚡
