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I want to send the events obtained by GA4 to facebook's conversion API

Only event A appears in the event list of GA4, but how can the event appear?



Hi @kentaro, thanks for joining the Community here! 🙂

Ah, the Google Analytics app doesn’t currently support GA4 events so I suspect that’s why you’re unable to load them in as a new sample

We do have an open feature request for GA4 to be supported though. So I’ve gone ahead and added your vote to that. We don’t have any estimates we can share on when it will be implemented by but you’ll be notified by email as soon as GA4 is supported.

We’ll be sharing any updates on this in the main topic for this feature request here:

I’d recommend following along with any news or workarounds shared there by subscribing to that topic. In the meantime I’m going to close out this topic to make it easier for everyone to to keep track of the discussion around GA4 support in a single place.

Hi again @kentaro!

Just wanted to follow up here as I just spotted that there’s a new Google Analytics 4 app integration now which I wasn’t aware of, which is different to the Google Analytics app that was tagged here initially. Apologies for missing that previously, let’s start again! 🙂

Can I just double-check, when you say “Only event A appears in the event list of GA4, but how can the event appear?” is it that you’re unable to load any other events to use for testing purposes when the Zap? 

If so, you might need to try creating a new event in Google Analytics 4 and then head back over to the Zap and press the Load More button to get it to load in the new event:

If that’s not the issue, is it more that you’re having trouble getting the details of the event to appear in the Facebook Conversions action in the Zap? In which case can you share some further details about what’s not appearing? For example is it a particular field or fields from the selected test sample (event A) that you’re not able to select?

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!