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Error Message: "attempting to update step that was not converted"

  • 22 July 2024
  • 3 replies

I’ve built a Zap that is triggered by a new registration in Arlo, it records some registration data in a Google Sheet, pulls some information from the same google sheet, then sends the registrant an email with the information pulled via email by Zapier, with an attachment taken from Google Drive.

It’s ready to publish and all of the steps are tested and have the green approval check (no more errors in any of the tests).

When I click publish I get the Error Message:  "attempting to update step that was not converted"

I have gone into the apps and re-connected Arlo, Google Sheets, and Google Drive (there is an email attachment).

Can someone give me the next step for troubleshooting? I don’t know what is meant by “converted” - What does this mean?

Thanks in advance! 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @J.VicaEdu 

To give us more context, can you post screenshots of the encountered error within the Zap Editor?


Options to try:

Hi Troy! Thanks for your help. So the thing is, my Zap is showing no errors until I hit publish and I’m not seeing the yellow hazard symbol in the top right or the greyed out button. 

Here is a screenshot of what I see after I hit the blue Publish button:


Hi Again!! 

I duplicated the Zap and published the Duplicated Zap and it worked great. Thank you for your help! 
