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Error: Failed to create an invoice in Square. This order ID isn't valid for creating an invoice.

  • 27 October 2022
  • 8 replies

We are trying to create a zap so that every time an appointment in Acuity is made, it will automatically generate and send a Square invoice to the customer. When we test the "Create an invoice in Square" action, we continue to get a "Failed to create an invoice in Square. This order ID is not valid for creating an invoice." error message. We looked at community support and found a relevant article. It tells us to contact the Support Team so you can look at the back-end logs of the zap to track down the correct error message for us.


We contacted Zapier Support and they responded with the following:

Happy to help if I can, but our internal logs aren't giving any extra detail in this case:
"MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER","detail":"order_id is required"

It's saying an Order ID is required but that is supposed to be assigned by Square once they receive and process our "create invoice" request. 
It looks like other users have started running into this just a couple weeks ago, so it's possible the system that Square's API uses to process "create invoice" requests has changed and needs to be adjusted in the integration.
To that end, I have added your name and email to a list of affected users to be notified when this is fixed. I don't know what the timeline would be, but you will automatically be notified as soon as we've closed the issue. Really sorry for the interruption here, and I hope we get some good news soon. 
In the meantime, it might be worth getting in touch with Square API support to ask for their side of the logs. They may have more detail regarding any info in your Zap's requests that isn't being accepted.
I wish I had more concrete help for you today but hope that gets you pointed in the right direction. Please let me know if you have other questions, and I'll be happy to answer them!


We then contact Square API Support, and they responded with the following:

Square doesn’t currently have a direct partnership with Zapier, so I recommend reaching out to this company directly for help.

If you’re curious about any of Square’s supported partners, check out our Square App Marketplace.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, I will do my best to help you.


We have already tried:

  • New Appointment in Acuity Scheduling > Create Invoice in Square
  • New Appointment in Acuity Scheduling > Create Customer in Square > Create Invoice in Square
  • New Appointment in Acuity Scheduling > Create Customer in Square > Find Customer in Square > Create Invoice in Square

All steps of these iterations have tested successfully. The constant hang-up is with the Create Invoice in Square step, where the error message says, “Failed to create an invoice in Square. This order ID is not valid for creating an invoice.”. The weird thing is that there are existing Customer IDs when we select the option.


Has anyone been able to successfully create a Zap that allows Square to Create an Invoice? 

Hi @cbcastil408 


It seems as per Square API documents that you need to create an Order first before creating the invoice (hence the error Invalid Order ID). 


You might need to add a step before the invoice which is Create Order then use the returned Order ID in the Create Invoice.


The only action I see for the Order is Create Paid Order, if this is not it, then you might wanna use a Webhook to create order as shown here  

Hi @cbcastil408!

The Square action Create Invoice doesn’t have an option to add an order number in the Zap editor, so I don’t think that @MohSwellam’s suggestion will work.

I took a look at the Square API documentation and the issue report that we have about this and made sure that our team know that Order ID needs to be added to the Create Invoice action as Square now requires that field in order to create an invoice. As you’re already listed as an affected user on the issue, you’ll get an email when we have an update on that. 

I’m sorry that I don’t have better news for you in the meantime. 


Hi @cbcastil408!

The Square action Create Invoice doesn’t have an option to add an order number in the Zap editor, so I don’t think that @MohSwellam’s suggestion will work.

I took a look at the Square API documentation and the issue report that we have about this and made sure that our team know that Order ID needs to be added to the Create Invoice action as Square now requires that field in order to create an invoice. As you’re already listed as an affected user on the issue, you’ll get an email when we have an update on that. 

I’m sorry that I don’t have better news for you in the meantime. 


Please add me to list of affected users! I just signed up for Square and built out a Zap and have hit the same issue. No Order Id = No Invoice generated

Hi @Dave_FERCS!

I’ve added you as an affected user as well, which means you’ll be notified via email when the issue has been resolved.

Please add me as well.

Hi @OliverPPL 


I’ve added you to the list of affected users and we’ll update you via email once available. Thanks!

The Square action Create Invoice doesn’t have an option to add an order number in the Zap editor, so I don’t think that @MohSwellam’s suggestion will work.

I took a look at the Square API documentation and the issue report that we have about this and made sure that our team know that Order ID needs to be added to the Create Invoice action as Square now requires that field in order to create an invoice. As you’re already listed as an affected user on the issue, you’ll get an email when we have an update on that. 

Hi there, ya’ll! One of our engineers shared a potential workaround that we think may work. I wanted to mention here it in case it’s useful:

Ensure there is an OPEN order at the location you’re selecting- even if it’s not the one you’ll eventually use.

The thought is - having an open order should provide the dropdown field for Order ID where you can then set your custom value.

I hope this helps but please keep us posted either way! We’ll also let ya’ll know once a true fix is in place. 

As always thanks so much for your patience!

I took a look at the Square API documentation and the issue report that we have about this and made sure that our team know that Order ID needs to be added to the Create Invoice action as Square now requires that field in order to create an invoice. As you’re already listed as an affected user on the issue, you’ll get an email when we have an update on that. 

Hey friends, I wanted to swing by and let ya’ll know a fix was implemented for this and the Create Invoice action should be working as intended now!

If you’re still running into this with the required OrderID, please feel free to open a ticket with support and they can absolutely dig into this a bit further.

Thanks as always for your patience on this ya’ll! 🙂