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Twitter and Ig zap is not working. The test keep failing. 


The test used an old post on my business page and it had alot of words and hashtags on it so I removed it and tested it again. Its just a small paragraph under it so there is no reason that it should not post. 

I even tested it so I removed the caption option and wrote “test test” in the required message block and it worked. 

Im not understanding why it wont post the small captions if I select Captions for twitter messages

Hi @Tymaria00 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have context.

Also include any encountered errors.

And When I actually remove where it says “caption” and just type some regular words out, It will post just fine but I want it to post the picture and caption as well


This field expects a file URL or object as indicated by the filed description.

The mapped variable “Media Type” has a value of “IMAGE”.

That is why the error is resulting.


@Troy Tessalone *face palm* reading is fundamental !

It worked.! But twitter cut off most of the caption I had written ( the post was older) there anyway I can make it bigger or link it to my IG?


Also I have my IG linked to my LinkedIn. It said it worked and it tested out perfectly but I just put something and it did not work.



Twitter has a 280 character limit per Tweet.

@Troy Tessalone ok thank you. this is my first time using twitter so I had no idea. Thank you!!