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Error: Failed to create a send channel message in Slack While requesting "dev_file" from Microsoft Outlook we ran into an error: undefined: Item

  • 20 October 2022
  • 9 replies

Hello Zappers,


I am currently trying to create a zap that triggers when I receive an email into a shared inbox on Outlook.

The zap then sends the information to a slack channel.


I am having a problem when I try to send an attached file through to slack,


Failed to create a send channel message in Slack While requesting "dev_file" from Microsoft Outlook we ran into an error: undefined: Item 'AQMkAGMzOTZiM2JlLWYxMzEtNDZiNS04N2FkLTZlOGVmNWFkMjllYQBGAAADgZo94GY1K0C4iXGjiFbJGwcAfG8FUdOgaUCl00_xx6m8zwAAAgEMAAAAfG8FUdOgaUCl00_xx6m8zwAAAgVXAAAA' doesn't belong to the targeted mailbox 'f0af1522-eba8-462e-925b-7d**********'.


I tested on my Gmail and it worked perfectly. Is this because its a shared mailbox? Is there any solution?

Hi @Nicholas Bamford 


Can you share with us some screenshots of the reply from the Trigger? For example, you might be choosing the wrong link, does it say (Exist but not shown) which means its a file? 



Hi @MohSwellam ,


Please see images above.


I think the issue is the shared mailbox but dont know how to get it to work with it.




Here is the trigger and the file

I have just tested this without a shared inbox and its worked perfectly.


Shared inbox is the issue.


Any help appreciated

Well there might be a work around, how about you setup a filter in the shared mailbox that auto forwards the email you need to your personal mailbox THEN from their the zap triggers? 

Also you can forward it to Zapier Email in case you dont wanna clutter your own mailbox with duplicates ;) 

@Nicholas Bamford a quick friendly check in to see how you’re doing with the advice above! You could either try a filter or Zapier Email, and do let us know if you found a suitable solution for this use case so we can share it with others who may be in the same spot. 




Hi @Nicholas Bamford!

Just to confirm a few things here. The issue is that the email is in a Shared inbox, although the inbox is shared with you you don’t technically ‘own’ it and therefore the Zap doesn’t have the permissions needed to get the file. 

@MohSwellam’s suggestion would be a great workaround here: set up a filter to send the relevant emails your own inbox so the Zap is able to access the files. 


Let us know if you have any questions!