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As per the attached print, I am trying to make the Zapier connection in WordPress, I have already installed the plugin and activated it.

The account is admin, there is no firewall installed on the site.



Hi @Everton Sa,


Welcome to the community.


Can you disable other plugins and try again? Also, check the hosting provider to see if they are blocking traffic to Amazon AWS. Let us know if that fixes the issue.


Hi @JammerS 


I have already tested deactivating the plugin and activating it, the error persists.

My provider (namehero) responded to me as follows: "I would like to inform you that we do not have any specific blocks for any IP addresses until the security system on the server finds any suspicious connections from the IP address. I have checked and could not find any issues related to your website “”. Further, I have disabled "ModSecurity" for your domain “” under your cPanel. issue persists."

I already did the test again and the error persists.

Hi @Everton Sa,

It seems this issue is caused when another plugin is blocking the connection. Can you let me know if you have WordFence installed on your WordPress site? If so, can you try disabling it and see if your test goes through?

Additionally, I checked through our notes and found a similar issue with another user on this. They found out the hosting provider was blocking traffic from Amazon AWS which is used by Zapier. Some changes in the firewall on their end did the trick.

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!
