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Embed chatbotapi/trpc/chatbots.getChatbotKnowledgeSources error 401

  • 13 April 2024
  • 2 replies

I have followed pop-up embedding on some react frontend application I’ve just deployed on this domain, and I found this 401 error. Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong? I tried also setting `Restrict domains` to `off`

{"error":{"message":"Unauthorized: query chatbots.getChatbotKnowledgeSources","code":-32001,"data":{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","httpStatus":401,"path":"chatbots.getChatbotKnowledgeSources"}}}


Hi @jcarimgmt, welcome to the Community! 🎉

You’ve definitely set it up correctly. It appears you’re being affected by the recent incident affecting Chatbots that are embedded as a pop up. It’s still being investigated at the minute but you can follow along on progress and subscribe to updates here:

Wish I had a more immediate fix to provide at this stage. Our engineers are working hard to get this resolved as soon as possible so hopefully we’ll have some good news to share on this soon.

If there’s anything else I can assist with in the meantime do let me know! 🙂

Just following up here to confirm that the incident was resolved on Apr 15, 2024 - 08:19 PDT. Any Zapier Chatbots that are embedded via the pop up mode should now be loading correctly. 🙂

@jcarimgmt - can you have a look at the embedded chatbot on your website again and confirm whether it’s now working as expected now?

Looking forward to hearing from you!
