
Email parsing - cannot detect email address

  • 31 October 2023
  • 3 replies

I have a lead gen system that I am trying to feed into my Keller Williams Command CRM but when I use email parsing I keep getting an error notification from Zapier that says “Email must be email”.  I suspect that the reason is because in the email I receive from my lead gen system, the email address is a link (blue lettering) so zapier is not recognizing it.
I have asked the company if it can be changed to plain text, but they cannot accommodate. 

Does anyone have a workaround for this? I would be super curious because my brain is hurting trying to figure it out!

Thanks in advance.

3 replies

Userlevel 2

Hello @JayRen , are you using the New Email in Email Parser by Zapier? Can you share some data sample or screenshots?

An alternative possible solution you can use to extract email is :
1. Use gmail trigger to fetch the email
2. Use formatter - Extract Pattern to extract the email address

Yes, I am using the email parser. I've never heard of the other two options but I don't think the Gmail trigger will work because these leads go on a rotation to all my team members, which would mean setting up a zap for each of their email inboxes. 


How does Extract Pattern work?


The first picture is an example of the email that the lead gen system sends. The send is the error message I receive from Zapier.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @JayRen 

I find the free Zapier Email parser to be unreliable and not robust enough.

Some other options:

  • App: Mailparser
    • Allows for more advanced parsing rules
  • App: Code
    • Custom code can be written to do email parsing
  • Action: ChatGPT - Extract Structured Data
    • Ask AI
