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Editing Zap is causing lag or crashes

  • 27 August 2024
  • 2 replies

When trying to configure an action and trying to pull any information from prior steps (primarily form submission, salesforce or from built-in tools), the zap editor freezes and either will take a significantly long time to catch up (30-60 seconds) and then sometimes selects the wrong item, or it will crash and ask if I want to reload the page or wait. 

I thought maybe it was the internet connection, but after verifying and trying at a later hour, that should not be the issue. I’ve also tried working off Safari and Chrome - both giving me similar results. 

This has become very problematic for me and causes what should only take 20 minutes to complete into a whole day project. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @BreeBain 

Make sure your browser and device is updated.

Hi @BreeBain, welcome to the Community! 😁  

I’m so sorry to hear of the troubles with the Zap editor. I did some checking on this end but couldn’t see any existing bug reports that matched this exact behaviour. So if updating your browser and device didn’t fix it, I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team to about this here: They’ll be able to dive into the error logs for your Zaps to help determine what’s causing your Zaps to freeze and can open up a bug report to flag this to our engineers to fix. 

Please to keep us updated on how you get on with them, eager to ensure this gets sorted!
