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I want to use Zapier to transfer my customers’ data from LeadConnector to EasyWebinar and create a ZAP. When I tested the automation, it worked but when I published and tried again, it didn’t work the customers’ data will be stored in my LeadConnector. Has anyone faced same problem before?

Hi @Vertex Mastery 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Check your Zap Runs history for activity:

The trigger in LeadConnector was successful but it didn’t help me to register the attendee in the EasyWebinar.

@Vertex Mastery 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode for these tabs:

  • Action
  • Test



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@Vertex Mastery 

Check your Zap Runs history for activity/errors:

Zaps work while turned ON for new data going forward.

How can I insert Timezone in EasyWebinar registration page?


@Vertex Mastery 

Looks like you already have a variable mapped for the Timezone field.

Make sure that variable has a value that comes thru from the previous step.


I have the timezone field in the LeadConnector but there is still an error.

@Vertex Mastery

In your Zap Run, check the DATA OUT from Step 1 to see if the Timezone field has a value.

@Troy Tessalone 

There is no value in my timezone value

@Vertex Mastery 

From the screenshot we can’t tell which Zap Run step that is from.

But if if the Timezone value is missing, then that would explain the encountered error for the step in the Zap Run.

Also, looks like the 2 Timezone variables are different. (1 is just Timezone, 1 has characters before Timezone.)


@Troy Tessalone 

Is it means that I need to insert the Timezone in my EasyWebinar registration form?


@Vertex Mastery 

Since Timezone is a required field for EasyWebinar, the field value either needs to come from a mapped dynamic variable value or be a static set value.
