
Document Retrieval Error in Chat GPT - Zapier Action

  • 9 February 2024
  • 3 replies

I'm encountering an issue with a Zapier action involving Chat GPT (Conversation With Assistant) where the document retrieval process fails, resulting in an error message indicating the file is not accessible.


Despite attempts to resolve this, including switching the model to gpt-4-1106-preview, using different file formats (PDF and DOC), deleting and re-uploading the file, and even recreating the Zap from scratch, the problem persists. The retrieval tool is enabled in Zapier as well as in Open AI settings.


(The aim is to analyze a document in PDF Format that was upload directly to the Assistant in Open AI, not a new upload.)


Has anyone faced a similar issue or can offer troubleshooting advice to resolve this document access error? Thank you.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there @Pedro_Rosa! 👋

That’s odd, both PDF and DOC files are supported so this should be working. Would you mind sharing the full error message you’re getting? There may be some clue in the error message text that will help us to identify what’s causing the retrieval process to fail.

And can you also share a quick screenshot showing what fields and settings have been selected in the Action section of that Conversation With Assistant action? I’d like to take a look at that to see if there’s anything on the setup that might be causing an issue with it not being able to locate the existing file that was uploaded to the assistant.

Thanks for your assistance on this. Looking forward to your reply! 

Hi @SamB !


Thanks for your message and support on this.


I wasn’t able to get the same message error to send, which is good, as that message appears to not be showing up anymore.


However with the same action “Conversation with Assistant” and everything else the same, I’m getting a "504 Gateway Time-out" error.


After a couple more tries and waiting a few hours it eventually works, however is not very reliable and its expected for this Zap to be running every few minutes in the future when activate.

Do you think this is an issue with Open Ai Assistant or is there something we could do here?

Appreciate the help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for getting back to me @Pedro_Rosa. Glad to hear the original error resolved itself! 🙂

Hmm, I did some checking and it looks as though OpenAI had a number of incidents yesterday. I suspect this one in particular might have been what caused those "504 Gateway Time-out" errors you were seeing: 


Can you try testing the Zap again to see if it’s now able to run successfully? 
