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Discord "Cannot read property 'username' of undefined" error

Hello, I am currently setting up an integration for when members cancel their subscription on Kajabi, this then removes their role within my Discord server to revoke their access to all content.

I am doing this by setting up an automation in Kajabi that when a customer cancels, they receive a specific tag. Then when this tag is applied, Zapier picks up on the Kajabi tag and will remove the role from the Discord user.

However, after connecting both Kajabi & Discord to my Zapier account to create the zap. I am receiving this error code: "Error during execution: Cannot read property 'username' of undefined"

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35 replies

I’m also experiencing this issue. Can you please add me to the list to be notified when a fix is available? Thanks.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi there, @JRCC! I’ve got you added to that bug report as well. We’ll be sure to let you know just as soon as we know more!

I’m getting that “snowflake” error as well. Please add me to the noify list.

Actually I have some more context as well that may help with the fix.

I’m not using kajabi at all. I’m using a webhook from a form where we ask what their discord username is.

The idea is when they sign up for our offer, their discord user gets a new role automatically.

So we have Webook (catchhook) → Discord add role.

I’m using my own discord user as the test and I get that same Value is not snowflake error.

It seems to me that for some reason Zapier is wanting the userid to be “snowflake”.

I tried changing the username from the webook to snowflake just to see what happens and I get the same error:

{"user_id": ["Value \"snowflake\" is not snowflake."]}

Ok so after some research I got a workaround that works great.

Ignore my attempt at the “snowflake” username. I didn’t realize snowflake is some sort of developer term or something lol (I’m no developer).

Here’s the workaround:

Your Zap will need a step in between the trigger and the “role” action, and that step in the middle is “search user” (discord).

So for me, I have people fill out a form to get access to a channel on discord. That form includes a field where they have to type in their discord username.

Once the form is submitted, that data is passed to Zapier via webhook -- so webhook is my trigger.

Then my first action is a Discord “search for user” where I Zapier will actually find the user with the username they put into my form and get all the other info from Discord about that user (such as their nickname).

The key with the search for user in Discord is you also get the actual “userID” (userid is DIFFERENT than the username).

Then the last action is Discord add role (or remove role). The difference is instead of putting in their username where zapier says username, change that to be the userID from the last action.

That worked for me.

Just a note, I also had to give “Zapier” a separate admin role to make it work (the default “zapier” role didn’t work even with everything allowed).

So my zap now looks like this:

Webook → Discord “search user” → Discord “add role”

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for sharing that workaround here @zschuenke! :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey everyone!

You should have all received email notifications about this already, but I just wanted to give a quick, if somewhat belated, update here to confirm that this issue was closed last week. So that error should now be gone. :)

If you’re still running into this issue I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team who can investigate further.

Userlevel 1

Ok so after some research I got a workaround that works great.

Ignore my attempt at the “snowflake” username. I didn’t realize snowflake is some sort of developer term or something lol (I’m no developer).

Here’s the workaround:

Your Zap will need a step in between the trigger and the “role” action, and that step in the middle is “search user” (discord).

So for me, I have people fill out a form to get access to a channel on discord. That form includes a field where they have to type in their discord username.

Once the form is submitted, that data is passed to Zapier via webhook -- so webhook is my trigger.

Then my first action is a Discord “search for user” where I Zapier will actually find the user with the username they put into my form and get all the other info from Discord about that user (such as their nickname).

The key with the search for user in Discord is you also get the actual “userID” (userid is DIFFERENT than the username).

Then the last action is Discord add role (or remove role). The difference is instead of putting in their username where zapier says username, change that to be the userID from the last action.

That worked for me.

Just a note, I also had to give “Zapier” a separate admin role to make it work (the default “zapier” role didn’t work even with everything allowed).

So my zap now looks like this:

Webook → Discord “search user” → Discord “add role”

Hope this helps!


What form did you use to set up the webhook, and what format did you have users submit their username in? I am using the exact same strategy however Zapier is unable to find any users under this format “Dev.N#2655”. 



We are new Zapier subscribers and are having the same issue described above here. We would like to discuss with customer support our options moving forward. 


Thank you. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @Devin Paul and @dfscoachtalk!

@Devin Paul, I don’t have any details of how exactly @zschuenke set up their webhook, but I believe it’s the username only that needs to be searched on, not the ID number as well. So just Dev.N not Dev.N#2655.

@dfscoachtalk, to contact our Support team you’ll need to use the Get Help form here: 

Hope that helps! :)