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Привіт. У мене проблема з пошуком форми в Webflow. Я створив форму та хочу інтегрувати запити в CRM. Але у мене проблема з пошуком самої форми, я вже змінив назву і повторно відправив запити, але вона все одно не відображається 


Hi @Vitaliiy Shevchuk 

Help links for using Webflow in Zaps:


My Webflow forms are not showing up

For the Form Submission Trigger, Form Name doesn't show up, looking like this:

If your Webflow forms are not showing up when setting up the New Form Submission trigger, you need to publish the form on the site and submit an entry. On Webflow, you can tell it's published due to the rocket icon being green.

You can check for submissions by clicking here in the Dashboard:

I have the same problem…

I can confirm that:

  1. The new Webflow form has been published to the live site
  2. Form submissions have been made on the live site form
  3. Those submissions appear in the Webflow form submissions page in the site settings (and are successfully delivered to the clients mailbox as an email notification
  4. The form still doesn’t show in Zapier

At a loss on what to do to get this feature setup for my client @Troy Tessalone .

Hi @saged,

Have you tried submitting a test form submission? One user had this issue, but their missing Form appeared only after creating a test submission to the Form.

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!

Thanks for the reply @ken.a 

What do you mean by a test form submission?

I have submitted multiple submissions through the form on the live website (see .


Hi there @saged,

Thanks for letting me know that there are submissions in the form. Is there a way for you to know the Form ID? You can use the Form ID as a custom value in the “Form” field.

You can learn more about using the custom value here:

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

Having the same problem here… Zapier is not showing any of the form submissions I’ve submitted in Webflow


My issue is a bit different... I was able to find the form, but in the “test trigger” step, Zapier isn’t showing any of the submissions I’ve made in Webflow. I’ve already double-checked, and the form submissions are appearing under the “Forms” tab in Webflow.

I’ve started having this issue after updating to the new Webflow app in Zapier.
