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Creating a zap for an unsubscribe in flodesk to activate unsubscribe in bloomerang. I can't get it to work.

  • 17 January 2023
  • 8 replies

I have tried probably 25 times and it seems like it should be simple, but I always get a test fail when I try to make a zap -- trigger event is an unsubscribe in flodesk that I want to activate an update a constituent in bloomerang (with unsubscribe). Thanks!

Hi @MeghanMW 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have enough context, thanks.

My trigger is fine --- but the update constituent in Bloomerang always fails the test. I don’t know what to put in the “set up action” section? So what fields do I choose? 


Please provide a screenshot of the encountered error from the Bloomerang Zap step.


Try these Zap actions:


This field expects a number as indicated by the 123 next to the field label.

Also the field description provides guidance.


It is a 400 error. The constituent part is the part that is throwing me off. My action is “update constituent in Bloomerang” and the test action is failing. 


“check that yor fields are correctly set up and mapped to each other”  D



This error makes it seem like the Bloomerang account connected to Zapier is not valid or configured correctly.

Check here:


I did test the connection as you just suggested, and it worked (good to know!). So that piece is ok. 


I’d recommend opening a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance in troubleshooting the issue:

Hey @MeghanMW! Just coming in here as I saw you haven’t yet created a ticket and wanted to see if I could further assist in troubleshooting! From your screenshot, it looks like the “Update Constituent” is Step #2, meaning that you don’t have a “Find Constituent” step before it, which is what you’ll need to make this work properly. After you find the constituent, you map the “ID” that’s returned from that step, into the “update” step. 

Mind giving that a go and if things still aren’t working, sending over a screenshot of how you have the “Set up action” part of the “Update Constituent” step set up? That should give us more information to go off of! 🙂