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I’m testing Zapier to see if it could help my company.

I need to synchronize my Google Contacts with my Axonaut Employees.

The desired process is :

  1. I create or update a Google Contact
  2. My Zap gets the Contact’s data (email, firstname, lastname)
  3. My Zap looks into my Axonaut Employees if the email already exists
  4. a) If the email exists, my Zap updates the Employee with the data from step 2
    b) If the email doesn’t exists, my Zap creates a new Employee with the data from step 2


I almost made it in this Zap :

The problem is that instead of updating an employee that already has the provided email, it creates a new one, with the same email and the updated first/lastname.

I would have hoped that the Zap Action “Search Employee in Axonaut” that provide the option to “Create Axonaut Employee if it doesn’t exist yet” (that I’m using) would also provide the option to update Axonaut Employee if it exists. 


How to achieve this, am I missing something ?



Hi @NP-Epic-dev 👋 -

I see you are using the Create an Employee in Axonaut action. Instead, can you give Find Employee or Create Company and Employee action and see if that gives you your desired result? Since there is no “Update” Employee option, this may be a solid workaround. 

We can put in a  feature request for this, but there is no guarantee that the app developers will get to the request as quick as you may hope. 

It works, thank you !