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Create Tweet in Twitter action - @ mention gets removed

  • 28 June 2021
  • 4 replies

Hey folks, I’m trying to tweet from a Google doc, but when I do it removes the @ symbol from mentioned people. I saw this article: but my app doesn’t have a Search Mention trigger. The trigger is just a “Every day at this time”. Any help?



Hi @oliphant86 

Can you provide screenshots of how your Zap steps are configured?


You may want to consider opening a ticket with Zapier Support:


Using Zapier as a Twitter Auto-Responder

A Zap that auto-responds to search mentions is a violation of Twitter's policies for automation.

Twitter’s policy doesn’t allow replies or mentions in response to search mentions.
If your Zap has a Search Mention trigger and an action that sends a Tweet to that user’s @username, the Tweet will be posted but the @ will be removed.

Twitter’s policies for automation don't allow @replies in response to search mentions.
Here’s a link that discusses Twitter’s policies for using automations with their platform:

Hey, absolutely - here’s how it works:


Then there are two Run Pythons and a Delay Action that generate random numbers (used for picking a random row from the spreadsheet and adding a random amount of time to the time of day it gets posted).

It then gets a row from a google sheet:


and finally tweets


What do you think? Is there something broken here?

Thank you.


It may have to do with some of the Twitter Policies mentioned in the previous links.

To get a definitive answer, I’d suggest opening a ticket with Zapier Support:

Hi there friends! 👋🏽 I wanted to pop in and mention Troy is indeed correct. This is related to Twitter’s policies on automation.

That said, allowing @mentions for all create tweet actions is an open feature request at the moment. I went ahead and added the original poster to it. While we don’t have an ETA on when or if this will get implemented we’ll be sure to update the thread if it does. 🙂