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Hi there!  I’d love some guidance from the community.  


I created a Zap between Miro and Slack so that when someone in a channel uses a specific emoji, a card widget is created in a Miro board frame.  It worked perfectly the first time, but then when I tried the emoji again - it just overwrote the existing card.


I did some searching within this community and Beta CoPilot, but without success.  Any other recommendations would be appreciated!

Hi @Bwell 

For us to have more info about your Zap, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Of course!  


1 - New Slack Reaction Added
2 - New Slack Reaction detail
3 - Create Card Widget
4 - Create Card Widget Action Details
5 - View of successful first card
6 - View of 2nd card that overrides the first (same location in the same frame)



In Miro, check if separate Cards are being created on top of each other. (aka try moving the cards in Miro)


Check the field descriptions for possible guidance about the Frame.


Troy, thank you!  I’m embarrassed to say that the cards...were on top of each other (face palm).  Appreciate the help for a Zapier newbie!
