
Constant Contact “phone_numbers[0][phone_number] must be at the most 25 characters long” error

I am attempting to link FB forms to constant contact but when I tested, I got an error message from Zapier.  I am not sure how to proceed.  Can anyone guide me?


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Derek Nelson, thanks for joining our Community here! 😁

That error seems to be saying that the phone number that was supplied exceeded the limit of 25 characters. Has a phone number that’s less than 25 characters been selected?

If so, can you share a screenshot showing what’s been selected for the phone number field on that Create Contact action? Please remember to remove or hide any private information from it first (like names, email addresses etc). We can’t look into your Zaps so that’ll help us to see whether there’s anything else in the field that might be contributing to that error.

Thanks, looking forward to your reply here! 

Hi @Derek Nelson, thanks for joining our Community here! 😁

That error seems to be saying that the phone number that was supplied exceeded the limit of 25 characters. Has a phone number that’s less than 25 characters been selected?

If so, can you share a screenshot showing what’s been selected for the phone number field on that Create Contact action? Please remember to remove or hide any private information from it first (like names, email addresses etc). We can’t look into your Zaps so that’ll help us to see whether there’s anything else in the field that might be contributing to that error.

Thanks, looking forward to your reply here! 

I’m in Us and just supplied my number in this format: 555-555-5555

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Derek Nelson,

Thanks for letting us know.

In order to assist you better and investigate the issue with the Zap, it would be incredibly helpful if you could provide us with a detailed screenshot of the Zap setup. Additionally, please include a full screenshot of the "Action" section of the Constant Contact step, ensuring that all of the fields are visible. Like so:

(view larger)

Please don't include personal information in the screenshot, or be sure blur out any personal information.

By providing these screenshots, we'll have a clearer understanding of the situation. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to resolving this for you.

Thank you! 😊
