
ClickUp task changed trigger not working when adding an assignee.

  • 18 July 2023
  • 4 replies

My setup is:

When Clickup Task changes

Assigne added (me, only person in clickup)

Then Trigger

Create task in ticktick


It works perfectly on ‘new task in clickup’, but when I change the trigger from ‘new task’ to ‘task changed’ specified as ‘assignee added’ and then select myself it just doesn’t work anymore. I’m pretty certain the connection from clickup to Zapier is somehow the problem. Because if I change the trigger for debugging purposes to something I don’t want it to be the entire Zap works. 

Trigger fig 1
Trigger fig 2

The testing screen also actively pulls the correct tasks. That is, it doesn’t do false positives nor false negatives. This also is an indication to me that the ‘push’ from Clickup to Zapier just doesn’t come through.

Does anybody know how to fix?

4 replies

Went on to continue trouble shooting. Removing myself from the ‘assignee’ filter seemed to work. 

So now the Zap is triggered if ‘an assignee is added to a task’. Which doesn’t specify which assignee. Which is okay, as it’s just me (for now). 

This leads me to believe its possible there exists an undetected bug that if an Clickup space only has 1 person in it the ‘assignee added’ filter doesn’t work correctly. In my case, setting the filter to only work when assigned to me (the only possibility) suddenly brakes it. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Thanks for letting us know the results of your troubleshooting, @Casper - I’ll tell our team about this possible bug and they can look deeper into what may be causing it, in the meantime let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!




this isn’t the case with one assignee, it happens if there’s multiple too. as it happens i only want the zap to trigger if its assigned to me. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @madebyfactory,

That’s certainly a strange behavior of the “Task Changes” trigger. You might be running into a bug here. I’d recommend reaching out to our Support Team regarding this issue since they have the correct tools to look closer at the Zap and its logs to determine the cause of the issue.

You can reach our Support Team here:

I appreciate your patience and understanding.
