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ClickSend SMS error: The app returned '{"message":"Something went wrong with sending this SMS"}

Hi there. I was wondering if anyone knows why I could be seeing this error when I run a test to send an SMS via ClickSend. 



The text I am using is simply “test”



And in the mobile number field, I am in New Zealand and have put in: +64 and then my mobile. I know this is correct. I have also test it a few other ways, but I still get the error. 


I am trying to send an SMS when a quote is accepted in Quotient. Everything looks to be setup correctly there. 




Hi @Fresh 

Good question.

This may be why…

The "From" field isn't being respected

If the SMS is being sent to a country which doesn't support setting a custom sender ID, then this field will be ignored. More info on Sender IDs can be found here and a list of which countries support Sender IDs can be found here


Hi @Fresh ,

There is an error message getting buried in the logs. It says:

Sending messages requires your sender account to be registered. Find out more here or register your account here
