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Hi there, is there a way to set the Circle: RSVP member to event action so that the user is automatically set as “Going”? I set this up before using the same action and I believe it set members as “Going”, but now it looks like it only sends an invite for the event.


Thank you!

Hi ​@My Intuitive Health 

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode with the field mappings visible.


Hi ​@Troy Tessalone, sure thing, the first screenshot is using a Slack message trigger (idea is that I can send an email to the Slack channel and then it will RSVP that email for the Circle event) and the second screenshot shows the action that should set the email as “Going” to the event in Circle.


Hi ​@My Intuitive Health

I took a look at some documentation from Circle and it seems the integration currently doesn’t give the option to mark an member as going to an event. From what I can tell, the Going status is automatically updated when the RSVP is accepted by the member or if they manually join the space. 

After some additional research, it looks like this is a recent update to their API.  There’s a workaround within Circle to go back to the old way of auto-marking members as going. From the previously linked forum post:

To change back to the old way (automatically setting attendees as going), you must edit the event space and enable the toggle Auto-RSVP space members to new events.

Just note that this toggle affects all events.


Can you let me know if this works for you? 
