I started using Chatbots (Premiun) with Zapier Tables (this in Free Version). I loaded a 38 record table in order to test the chatbot, but when I ask the number of records, it only show and report 10 records. The field recognition is already working ok, but after several attempts, the chatbot can't bring the whole records information.
As I have tried to solve this, I realized that there are no issues with each register field information, but with the fields themselves. So, the problem arises when you ask the chatbot some 'field' or 'vertical' info, instead of asking for some register name information.
As an example: if I have a table with people names and their birthdays, the chatbot will fail when I ask 'how many people was born in december?' or 'how many people was born before 1990?',because this is 'vertical' or 'field' information, not a register information.
I already upgrade Tables Plan but the problem is not solved. Any ideas to solve this will be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.