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ChatBot Button Click trigger - no ChatBot Button available to select

  • 20 June 2023
  • 6 replies

This post was split from the topic: Combine Zapier with askyourpdf (chatGPT plugin)

I am reading and following the instructions in the article “Answer Questions From Web Pages Using AI by Zapier” found here.

I might be on the bleeding edge here attempting to use a feature that is still in beta not fully released.  I am a paid Zapier Premium User and a ChatGPT paid subscriber.

I keep running into an error where I am asked for a Chatbot Button and there are no options available.  See the screenshot below.

Am I being impatient? 🙂 And the “Answer Questions From Web Pages Using AI by Zapier” is not available in general release?

What do you think?




6 replies

I’m having a similar issue as Jeff. I get the button in the last dropdown option but when I test it says there is no button.

Userlevel 1



I believe that once Zapier finally releases the feature where we can connect to a data source we’ll see the button. I checked again a few minutes ago and I still see the COMING SOON text.

Connecting to my own data source will be a game changer for my company - and my customers. I’ve talked to Zapier Product Managers twice in the last week and begged them with tears in my eyes 🤐to let me try it.

Please send me a shout out if you see this feature released before me.  





Userlevel 1

It appears that the beta version of data source integration has been turned on as of 27 June 2023.  I’ve uploaded my 250 KB .txt data file and started asking questions. I modified the settings so that when a use asks a question that is outside of the subject matter of my data file that the bot response with “Please ask a question about <the subject matter of my text file>.”

Based on my initial tests, the chatbot is not using my data source to answer questions.

It’s beta and bugs are expected. They’ll get worked out.  I am excited about this new feature.


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @JeffImel and @InsightGuy! 🙂 

@JeffImel - Hope you don’t mind but I’ve split your post out into it’s own topic since it’s different to the question georger12345 asked in their topic.

Can I just check whether you both have set up actions for the ChatBot within the interface? You’d need to do that by clicking on the Actions tab then click on the + Add action button:
That should then load up some options for you to fill out as needed. The Button text field is where you’d set the text for the button: 
Then if you head over to the Zap it should be possible to select the button in the Chat Button field:

Can you both give that a try and let me know if that gets it working? 

Thankyou for your response Sam. Will try this weekend and get back to you. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @InsightGuy,

We’re here if you have any questions or run into any issues after your testing. We’re looking forward to hearing how it goes. 😊
